Economic Activities of Women in Current Era: An Analytical Study

عصر حاضر میں خواتین کی معاشی سرگرمیاں: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Taiyyiba Fatima Assistant Professor, Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore.
  • Dr. Ahmad Raza Assistant Professor, Imperial college of Business Studies, Lahore.
  • Dr. Intekhab Ahmad Assistant Professor, Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore.
  • Dr. Zafar Ali Assistant Professor, Imperial college of Business Studies, Lahore.


Women and Islam, Economic, empowerment, Property, rights, Inheritance, Dowry


 The most important aspect of women’s economic empowerment in Islam is that it has recognized their separate and independent identity and gave them numerous economic rights such as right to own property, share inheritance, engage in various economic activities to increase their fortune, etc. Their economic roles in Islam are governed by the broad principle of division of labor. This division of labor is based on their natural comparative advantages. Man has to look after the affairs outside the home while woman has to take care of the inside. All are accountable in his or her sphere of jurisdiction. Her services have economic value no less than man’s. It is therefore obligatory for husbands to spend on their wives. The division of work and different sphere of activities prescribed by Islam is applicable in general and in normal conditions. In emergencies and special circumstances there may be change of their roles or they can join hands to share responsibilities of one another. However, a woman is never required to spend on herself or her family. Her economic support is responsibility of her father before marriage and her husband after marriage. In their absence, other near relative has to take care of her expenses. Failing that the society and finally the state will have to take this responsibility.


Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad, Ahmad bin Hanbal, (164-241 AH), Al-Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Riqam 17763, Cairo: Dar al-Hadith, 1993. .

Juma'ah 62:10

Al-Najm 53: 39

Al-Nisa 4:32

Abd al-Haleem Muhammad Abu Shaqah, Abu Abd al-Rahman, Shaykh, translator: Shaiba Hasnain Nadwi, Women's Liberation in the Age of Prophethood, Virginia, Al-Mahad al-Ilami lalfikr al-Islami, s.n., p. 342

Feroze Al-Lughat, Arabic Dictionary, Lahore, Feroze Sons, 1979. P. 648.

Women's Freedom in Prophethood, p. 165

Muhammad al-Ghazali, Imam, Ihya Uloom al-Din, Part 5, Chapter 5 of the Manners of the Scholar and the Learned, p. 48.

Abdul Qayyum Haqqani, Eminent Women of Islam, Lahore, Mazang, Writings, 2018, p. 226.

Jalaluddin Umari, Syed, Women's Rights in Islam, Lahore, Islamic Publications, Vol. P. 63-




How to Cite

Fatima, D. T. ., Raza, D. A. ., Ahmad, D. I. ., & Ali, D. Z. . (2024). Economic Activities of Women in Current Era: An Analytical Study: عصر حاضر میں خواتین کی معاشی سرگرمیاں: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 8(2), 67-77. Retrieved from