Influence of Arabic Language on the Urdu Language

أثر اللغۃ العربیۃ علی اللغۃ الأردیۃ


  • Dr. Matloob Ahmad Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Faisalabad.
  • Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Research Officer, Department of Arabic, G.C. University, Faisalabad.
  • Mubashar Hasnain (Corresponding Author) Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Faisalabad.


Arabic Language, Urdu Language, Quran, Hadeeth


The article “Influence of Arabic Language on the Urdu Language” is study deals with influence of Arabic on Urdu Language, there is no doubt that the language of the Holy Quran and Hadeath has influence non Arabic speaking Islamic peoples in many aspects, among the most significent ones is learning Arabic to understand the teachings of Islam. This study aims at highlighting the how for the modern Urdu language is influence by the Arabic Language. It was due to ancient trade and social relationship between Arabs and Indians. The history of influences of Arabic Language on the Languages in Sub-continent Indo-Pak, starts from the arrival of Islam in this area and with the passage of time increased those impacts on Languages in this region, until the Arabic Language was used in general life in Sindh (that is one of the five provinces of Pakistan) in third Hijrah. Arabic Language faced the great difficulties in its spreading in this region, due to powerful presence of Persian Language, because it was the basic language of Persian conquers. When the Islamic studies that was in Arabic Language publicized in this region, it left very clear impacts on the Islamic culture, and the Muslims. Along with this, we look the deep influences of Arabic literature in Urdu Language, and the other thing that indicates this fact, is a huge amount of literary products in Arabic Language, that deals with the different aspects of Islamic studies. In spite of great efforts by the Governments of Pakistan and India and their private sectors to promote the Arabic Language in Universities and Deeni Madrasas, we can not refuse this fact, that there are many difficulties and problems in the way of spreading the Arabic Language and its Literature in Urdu Language. And it’s our social and religious responsibility to solve these problems because it’s the Language of Holy Quran and Hadeeth.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, D. M. ., Saleem, D. M. M. ., & Hasnain , M. . (2024). Influence of Arabic Language on the Urdu Language: أثر اللغۃ العربیۃ علی اللغۃ الأردیۃ. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 8(4), 12-24. Retrieved from

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