Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities Al-Khadim Foundation, Matiari, Sindh, Pakistan en-US Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2707-1200 The Use of Istisna as a Financing Method in Financial Institutions: A Research Study <p>Islamic Sharia has allowed various forms of trade (buyu) to effectively manage economic transactions, and these forms of trade, under their respective conditions, are lawful within the framework of Sharia. One such form of trade is Istisna (a contract for manufacturing or construction). Its use in both individual and collective financial systems has become quite common in contemporary times. Under Istisna, several concessions have been granted that are not present in other types of trade. Therefore, financial institutions are utilizing these concessions to carry out many business activities under this form of contract. In this research paper, using classical sources, the concept of Istisna, its legitimacy, its permissibility and situations where it becomes invalid, and its application in the modern financial system are discussed in the light of Shariah evidence. The paper examines whether Istisna, with its specific conditions, is feasible in the context of the modern financial economy or not. The conclusion drawn from this discussion is that the concessions available under Istisna should be utilized by all financial institutions while staying within Shariah boundaries, so that the Muslim economic system can be based on sound principles.</p> Dr. Habib-u- Rehman Dr. Muhammad Irfan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 1 11 An analytical review of the impressions of Shumail Mustafa (Peace Be Upon Him) in the narrations of the servants of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) <p>This research article explores the exemplary character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his miracles as narrated by his companions. The study delves into the noble attributes and moral excellence that defined the Prophet's character, drawing from authentic Hadith and historical accounts provided by those who lived alongside him. Through a detailed analysis of these narratives, the article highlights the profound impact of the Prophet's demeanor and actions on his companions and their subsequent portrayal of his life and miracles. The research is structured to present an in-depth examination of key virtues such as honesty, compassion, patience, and humility, which were consistently demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Additionally, the study catalogues significant miracles attributed to the Prophet, providing context and commentary on their relevance and the message they conveyed to both his contemporaries and future generations. The methodology employed involves a qualitative analysis of primary sources, including Hadith collections like Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, as well as classical Islamic biographical works such as Sirat Ibn Hisham. This approach ensures a comprehensive and accurate representation of the Prophet's character and miracles. Findings from this research underscore the timeless nature of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) teachings and their enduring influence on Islamic thought and practice. The article concludes by reflecting on the importance of embodying these virtues in contemporary society, emphasizing that the Prophet's life serves as a universal model for ethical conduct and spiritual integrity.</p> Ali Shan Hafiz Muhammad Akbar Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 12 25 The Reflection of Cognitive Metaphor in The Kalila Wa Damna and Alif Lailah Wa Lailah <p><strong>The article titeld “The Reflection of Cognitive Metaphor in the Kalila wa Damna and Alif Lailah wa Lailah” discus </strong>the metaphorin the cognitive researches is a mechanism of thinking and a cognitive process looking in the mind and closely linked to our thinking system and conceptual structure, it makes us realize the world around us and interact with it. The cognitive metaphor is reflected in a variety of cognitive systems that develop in us the desire to research its mechanics and mysteries. Its linguistic and non-linguistic manifestations in the Arabic popular narrative are what we will show in this study through a narrative anthology of the books, as well as the "legend of Oedipus", to show how it works in the Arab heritage, and to see how important it is to borrow in its new concept in the analysis of the language.</p> Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Dr. Matloob Ahmad Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Adnan Hamid Mubashar Hasnain Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 8 4 1 11 Influence of Arabic Language on the Urdu Language <p><strong>The article “Influence of Arabic Language on the Urdu Language” is study deals with influence of Arabic on Urdu Language, there is no doubt that the language of the Holy Quran and Hadeath has influence non Arabic speaking Islamic peoples in many aspects, among the most significent ones is learning Arabic to understand the teachings of Islam. This study aims at highlighting the how for the modern Urdu language is influence by the Arabic Language. </strong>It was due to ancient trade and social relationship between Arabs and Indians. The history of influences of Arabic Language on the Languages in Sub-continent Indo-Pak, starts from the arrival of Islam in this area and with the passage of time increased those impacts on Languages in this region, until the Arabic Language was used in general life in Sindh (that is one of the five provinces of Pakistan) in third Hijrah. Arabic Language faced the great difficulties in its spreading in this region, due to powerful presence of Persian Language, because it was the basic language of Persian conquers. When the Islamic studies that was in Arabic Language publicized in this region, it left very clear impacts on the Islamic culture, and the Muslims. Along with this, we look the deep influences of Arabic literature in Urdu Language, and the other thing that indicates this fact, is a huge amount of literary products in Arabic Language, that deals with the different aspects of Islamic studies. In spite of great efforts by the Governments of Pakistan and India and their private sectors to promote the Arabic Language in Universities and Deeni Madrasas, we can not refuse this fact, that there are many difficulties and problems in the way of spreading the Arabic Language and its Literature in Urdu Language. And it’s our social and religious responsibility to solve these problems because it’s the Language of Holy Quran and Hadeeth.</p> Dr. Matloob Ahmad Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Mubashar Hasnain Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 8 4 12 24 Conceptualization of “Sadness” in Khadija Mastoor’s ‘Aangan’ <p>Metaphors and emotions are interlinked as cognitive processes that reflect cognitive vision to understand emotion concepts through language (Lakoff &amp; Johnson, 2003; Kovesces, 1986). The aim of the paper is to study emotion metaphors in Urdu by identifying metaphorical mappings in terms of its source and target domain. For the study, data is retrieved from Urdu Novel ‘Aangan’ written by Khadija Mastoor. A theoretical framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory by Johnson and Lakoff (2003) is applied for metaphorical analysis of linguistic expressions. The descriptive differences reveal that Urdu language uses internal organs, body orientations and sensory-perceptual experiences to map onto the ‘sadness’ emotion. The analysis of linguistic expressions support the physiological embodiment as well as cultural embodiment thesis. It also provides empirical evidences to indicate that sadness is expressed in metaphorical terms both literally and figuratively. The result supported the assumption that Sadness metaphors are primarily based on bodily experiences of the speaker.</p> Dr. Huma Batool Rabia Noreen Museerah Nisar Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 8 4 1 19 Impact of Financial Pressure on Suicidal Ideation Among Young Men <p>Financial pressures are increasingly being recognized as a significant factor influencing mental health, particularly among young men. This study investigates the effect of financial stress on suicidal ideation in this demographic. According to the findings, financial instability caused by unemployment, low income, and unexpected expenses contributes significantly to emotional distress. The majority of participants reported feeling overwhelmed by financial responsibilities, with half admitting that financial struggles had a negative impact on their mental health. Society's expectations of masculinity and success exacerbate the situation, with more than half recognizing the increased stress caused by these norms. Furthermore, a weak but significant positive relationship between financial stress and suicidal ideation was discovered. The study emphasizes the need for integrated interventions that combine financial literacy with mental health strategies. Respondents were optimistic about these approaches, with 60% agreeing on their potential efficacy. However, access to adequate support systems remains a concern, with the majority of participants believing resources for managing financial stress were limited. Nearly half of the participants reported that traditional masculine norms were a barrier to seeking help. Research emphasizes the need to address financial stress as a public health priority. To alleviate the burden of financial stress and its psychological impact, comprehensive solutions must include both financial education and mental health support. The findings advocate for systemic policy interventions, such as debt relief, unemployment benefits, and stigma reduction, to promote economic stability and mental health in young men.</p> Hina Arooj Dr. Amber Ferdoos ArzO Sama Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 20 32 Role of Educationists and Mentors in Awakening the Dormant Potential of Youth <p>Educationists play a pivotal role in awakening the dormant potential of young individuals through dedicated efforts. This commitment facilitates the realization of youth's full potential in practical aspects of life. The article explores the importance of educationists in highlighting their ability to cultivate aspirations, creativity, and untapped capabilities in young minds. Functioning as catalysts for inspiration and empowerment, educationists guide students in pursuing their dreams within positive learning environments. By establishing supportive spaces, they motivate exploration of passions, fostering a sense of purpose. Educationists also act as role models and mentors, imparting values, resilience, and a growth mindset. They arouse curiosity and willingness to take risks, to accept challenges and to explore unconventional paths which later help seekers, students and youth to contribute to the country’s development. The abstract concludes by emphasizing the profound impact educationists have on the development of youth. Their roles extend beyond knowledge transmission to the cultivation of character, creativity, and the courage to pursue dreams. As stewards of the next generation, these mentors hold a key position in unlocking the potential within each student, shaping a brighter and more promising future.</p> Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 33 46 Effect of Student Team Achievement Division on Concept Understanding of General Science at 6th Grade Students <p>This study aimed to investigate the effect of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on understanding of General Science concepts. Sample for the study comprised of two classes of six grade students. Each of the class consisted of thirty students each. The instrument used in the study was a self-developed test for measuring understanding of General Science concept. On the basis of pretest both groups were randomly assigned to as control and experimental group. Treatment span was eight weeks. Results showed that STAD is an effective and relatively easy alternative to implemented to science education. Implementation of STAD yields a better understanding of General Science concept.</p> Dr. Aftab Ahmad Khan Zurriat Imran Dr. Muhammad Anees ul Husnain Shah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 47 54 Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Military Strategies: Historical Insights and Modern Applications <p>This research provides a comprehensive analysis of military strategies employed throughout Islamic history emphasizing their ethical, tactical and strategic dimensions and examining their enduring significance in contemporary context. Drawing from pivotal battles such as Badr, Uhud and Khandaq as well as the campaigns of prominent Muslim leaders the study investigate the principles that defined Islamic military efforts including strategic planning, adaptability, justice and moral conduct. These principles deeply rooted in the Quran Sunnah and Islamic jurisprudence not only ensured battlefield success but also upheld ethical values justice and proportionality in warfare. Through an extensive review of classical texts, historical accounts and case studies the research uncovers critical lessons in leadership, resource management, collective decision making and the protection of non-combatants and the environment. The study further evaluates how these strategies align with universal principles of human dignity, ethical warfare and conflict resolution offering practical insights for modern military doctrines. In addressing contemporary challenges such as asymmetric warfare, humanitarian crises and ethical dilemmas in modern conflict this research underscores the relevance of Islamic military strategies in an era marked by complex global dynamics and technological advancements. By bridging the historical and the modern, the findings advocate for the continued study and application of these time honored principles offering a framework for ethical, effective and sustainable approaches to conflict resolution in the 21st century</p> Fareeda Fareeda Dr. Sajjad Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 8 4 55 72