Conceptualization of “Sadness” in Khadija Mastoor’s ‘Aangan’
cognitive linguistics, sadness metaphor, embodiment, Urdu, conceptualizationAbstract
Metaphors and emotions are interlinked as cognitive processes that reflect cognitive vision to understand emotion concepts through language (Lakoff & Johnson, 2003; Kovesces, 1986). The aim of the paper is to study emotion metaphors in Urdu by identifying metaphorical mappings in terms of its source and target domain. For the study, data is retrieved from Urdu Novel ‘Aangan’ written by Khadija Mastoor. A theoretical framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory by Johnson and Lakoff (2003) is applied for metaphorical analysis of linguistic expressions. The descriptive differences reveal that Urdu language uses internal organs, body orientations and sensory-perceptual experiences to map onto the ‘sadness’ emotion. The analysis of linguistic expressions support the physiological embodiment as well as cultural embodiment thesis. It also provides empirical evidences to indicate that sadness is expressed in metaphorical terms both literally and figuratively. The result supported the assumption that Sadness metaphors are primarily based on bodily experiences of the speaker.
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