A Study of Public Welfare Initiatives Outlined in the Constitution of Medina


  • Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri Dean, Faculty of Law, Minhaj University Lahore.
  • Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Assistant Professor, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.


Public Welfare, Constitution of Medina, Human history, Basic rights


From the dawn of human history, people have consistently sought shelter, protection, and sustenance (food, clothing, education and health care). Throughout various stages of societal development, including those in the Pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula, the broader Middle Eastern region, and transitional periods, individuals have often been compelled to submit to monarchs or ruling elites to fulfill their basic needs. Regardless of caste, creed, biological differences, color, or religion, the innate human desire for basic rights and a stable system of governance has persisted.


Al-Tha‘labi (427h), al-Kashf wa al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an, 6/96, al-Baghawi (516h), Al-Tafsir, 3/112.

Sunan Ibn Majah, Ch: The virtue of the scholars, and encouragement to seek knowledge, 1:81, §224.

Set forth by •Ibn Sa‘d in al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, 2:22.

Set forth by •Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam in Kitab al-Amwal, p. 261 §518. •Humayd b. Zanjawayh in Kitab al-Amwal, 2:468 §750.

Set forth by •Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam in Kitab al-Amwal, p. 263 §518. •Humayd b. Zanjawayh in Kitab al-Amwal, 2:469 §750. •Ibn Hisham in al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, 3:34. •al-Suhayli in al-Rawd al-Unuf, 4:243. •Ibn Sayyid al-Nas in ‘Uyun al-Athar, 1:228. •Ibn Kathir in al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya, 3:225. •al-ßalihi in Subul al-Huda wa al-Rishad, 3:556.

Qur’an, 8:60

Set forth by •Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam in Kitab al-Amwal, p. 262 §518. •Humayd b. Zanjawayh in Kitab al-Amwal, 2:468 §750. •Ibn Hisham in al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, 3:33.

Set forth by •Ibn Hisham in al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, 3:33. •al-Suhayli in al-Rawd al-Unuf, 4:242. •Ibn Sayyid al-Nas in ‘Uyun al-Athar, 1:227–228.

Set forth by •al-Tabarani in al-Mu¢jam al-Awsa~, 6:58, §5787.




How to Cite

Qadri, D. H. M.- ud-D. ., & Sarwar, D. M. . (2024). A Study of Public Welfare Initiatives Outlined in the Constitution of Medina. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 8(2), 57-63. Retrieved from https://arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/680

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