Investigating the Impacts of Psychological Factors on L2 Learning Strategies in Enhancing Communicative Ability of University Students
Communicative Ability, Foreign Language, Language Learning Strategies, Psychological FactorsAbstract
The present research aimed to investigate the impacts of psychological factors on L2 learning strategies in enhancing the communicative ability of the students of Ghazi University. For extracting information from the University students a research questionnaire was devised and 251 resondents responded the researcher positively. The collected data was analysed with the help of SPSS. Finally, based on the participants' assessments and conclusions, most students agreed or strongly agreed with the statements. In many different situations, psychological variables affect L2 learning. Study participants positively responded when asked to rate how psychological elements in second language learning strategies help them when they want to get better at predicting what the other person would say next in the target language. In the same way, psychological elements in L2 learning techniques enhance students' proficiency in target language listening. They also believed that the cognitive capacities of a foreign language are better enhanced by these elements in L2 learning methodologies. Many students acknowledged that psychological elements in L2 learning strategies surprisingly assist them anytime they become stressed, nervous, upset, or indignant, especially while speaking English.
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