Social images in the novel 'owaraq ul ward' by Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafi'i, a special study
الصور الاجتماعية في رواية 'أوراق الورد' لمصطفى صادق الرافعي دراسة خاصة
Al-Rafe'ie, egypt, Oraq ul ward, literature, phrase, passion, term, law of beautyAbstract
The aim of my study is that to represent الصور الاجتماعية في رواية “أوراق الورد” لمصطفي صادق الرافعي Mostafa Saadiq Al-Rafe’ie ( May 1937) was an Egyptian poet, born in Egypt in Qalyubiyya, Egypt. Book that carried within it a new kind of literary arts that were not known before it in the form that it produced, high-class love letters in which we wove expressions of love and passion in the highest images, so it used to cast its phrases as a maker when it casts gold, many believe that in rose leaves is a sequel to my book Letters Sorrows and the red clouds, not in terms of meaning, but in terms of the construction that Al-Rafi’i brought out in an old and renewed style that competes and is almost superior to everything that modern literature came with , although it did not come with meanings that were not given to it, but rather the shape was beautiful until the reader thought that it was born in his hands for the first time So his expression is only as if he brought the threads and weaved them in his hands, weaving the world with what will appear on it of quality in creation and creativity in appearance, as if he singled out the leaves of roses to be a message of love and beauty .However, his mastery of the phrase did not distract him from mastering the meaning and reaching what was in his mind, so he used to present it as if the breeze was pouring on a breezy spring day, so Al-Rafi’i says: “The Arabic statement is a precise art that achieves in language the law of beauty and the nature of weight.” This is what Al-Rafi’i relied on in his style of Leaves of Roses. It was divided into fifty-two treatises, including: “Al-Najwa”.
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