Sanskrit-Urdu Dictionary: Research Study by Professor Dr. Muhammad Ansarullah
سنسکرت اُردو لغت : مؤلفہ پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد انصاراللہ کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
Sunsikrat, Urdu, Lughat, Ansarullah, Study etcAbstract
Professor Dr. Mohammad Ansar Ullah has compiled a dictionary namely “Sanskrit Urdu Luaghat” that is a great work to understand the relationship of different languages of different ages of different areas. Sanskrit is a primitive language of subcontinent that remained the language of religious aristocracy and dogma. With the passage of time its usage became limited. Sanskrit has a great influence on local languages and Urdu too. In this article it has been tried to understand number of words that are commonly used and understood in Urdu and other languages at local level.
Muhammad Ansarullah, Doctor, Sanskrit Urdu Dictionary, Official National Language, Islamabad, Vol. II, 2007, p. 65
Shan-ul-Haq Haqi, Linguistic Issues and Literature, Urdu and Sanskrit, Ruling National Language, Islamabad, Vol. I, pp. 113-114
Ibid. 117
Jamil Jalibi, Doctor, Preface to Sanskrit, Urdu Dictionary, National Language, Islamabad, Vol. II, 2007, p. iv
Zaheer Ahmad Siddiqui, Professor Of Sanskrit Urdu Dictionary P.III
Muhammad Ansarullah, Doctor, Case, Sanskrit Urdu Dictionary, p. 10
Shakil Patafi, Doctor, Cultural Features, Urdu Sachan Chowk-e-Azam (Layyah) Publication 1 November 2015 p.64