The Jurisdiction and Conditions for Hunting of Animals in Islam


  • Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Assistant Professor, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore
  • Dr. Muhammad Hasib Lecturer in Islamic Studies in University of Gujrat, Gujrat
  • Hafiz Muhammad Tanzeem Assistant Professor, Islamiyat, Govt. Graduate College, Daska



Animal, Jurists, Quran, Hadith, Halal, Haram


Islam is the last beloved religion of Allah and its teachings are according to nature. That is why Islamic teachings regarding hunting animals are also very balanced. Although the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have permitted the hunting of animals, this is conditional permission in this regard. Muslim jurists explained the various dimensions and circumstances of hunting animals with their domains and commandments. This article describes all such conditions, permissions, domains, and limitations that Islam has given for the hunting of animals.


Al-Mayda 5:2

Al-Mayda 5:96

Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Isma'il, Al-Sahih, Kitab ul Zabay walsayd, Dar al-Qalam, Damascus, Syria ,Hadith No 5170,V5,P2090

Marghinani, Burhanuddin Abu Al-Hasan Ali Bin Abi Bakr. Al Hidaya. Karachi, Pakistan: Muhammad Ali Karkhana Islamic Books, V 4, P507

Al-Mayda 5:3

Al Hidaya , V 4, P508

Al-Mayda 5:3

Bukhari, Hadith No 5498

Al Hidaya , V4,P507






Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Isma'il, Al-Sahih, Kitab ul Zabay walsayd,Hadith No 5159,V5,P2086

Bukhari, Al-Sahih, Kitab ul Zabay walsayd,Hadith No 5160,V5,P2087

Eji, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Shirazi al-Shafi'i, Jami 'al-Bayyan, Volume 1,P157.

Jami 'al-Bayyan, Volume 1,P 158

Al-Mayda 5:4

Muhammad Shafi, Mufti, Ma'arif-ul-Quran,Maktaba Rahmania ,Lahore, V3,P41

Ma'arif-ul-Quran, V3,P40

Al Hidaya , V 4, P505




Al-Zuhili, Dr. Wahba Al-Zuhili Kitab ul Al Fiqh ul Islami w aAdilato ,V2,P54

Al-Mayda 5:94-95-96

Muslim, Abu Al-Hussein Muslim Ibn Hajjaj,Ahya al Turas ul Arbi, Beirut, ,Hadith No 1199 V2,P857.

Tirmidhi, Abu Isa Muhammad ibn Isa ,Jamiy Tirmidhi. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Hadith No 838,Volume 3,P198

Al-Sahih,Hadith 1824

Tirmidhi, Abu Isa Muhammad ibn Isa ,Jamiy Tirmidhi ,Hadith No 846,V3,P203

Ma'arif-ul-Quran, V3,P234

Al Hidaya,V1,P258

Ma'arif-ul-Quran, V3,P235


Al Hidaya,V1,P261

Ma'arif-ul-Quran, V3,P235

Qadduri, Abu Al-Hassan Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Jafar Al-Baghdadi (3 AH), Al-Mukhtasar, 2, Multan, Pakistan: Maktab Imdadia،.82




How to Cite

Sarwar, D. M. ., Hasib, D. M. ., & Tanzeem, H. M. . (2021). The Jurisdiction and Conditions for Hunting of Animals in Islam. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 5(4), 16-25.