Theory of non-Violence and its effects on Dawah in the light of Quran

نظریۂ عدم تشدد (theory of Non Violence) اور دعوت دین پر اس کے اثرات


  • Khalil-u-Rehman
  • Shams-u-Rehman Research Scholor, Department of Quran-wa-Sunnah, University of Karachi. Assistant Researcher and Teacher Jamia Ashraf-ul-Madaris, Karachi
  • Zia-u-Rehman Assistant Professor, Dawat Academy, International Islami University Islamabad


Dawah, non-violence, theory of non-violence


The mission of all the Messengers of Allah was one, to guide the mankind toward the true religion and oneness of God. There is a great diversity in the way of Dawah based upon the differences and diversification of time and place, however the philosophy of non-violence is common everywhere, as it was being practiced by Ex Messengers and by Prophet Muhammad SAW himself. This philosophy became later altered into a constant theory which was owned by number of people in order to get their aims to change the mentality of others, especially the rulers. In this paper the theory of non-violence is evaluated in the light of Quran and Sunnah, its effects on Dawah with examples from Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad, along with a historical view of great political leaders who got success in their purposes utilizing this theory. Various dimensions of this theory and their shariah status is described in detail which will help the preachers toward Islam in implementing it in their Dawah.




How to Cite

Khalil-u-Rehman, Shams-u-Rehman, & Zia-u-Rehman. (2019). Theory of non-Violence and its effects on Dawah in the light of Quran: نظریۂ عدم تشدد (theory of Non Violence) اور دعوت دین پر اس کے اثرات. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 3(1), 162-184. Retrieved from