Implementation of law of blasphemy in the period of Prophet
توہین رسالت
Blasphemy,toheen, rasool, nabiAbstract
When Allah created the human being, He also created his Special representatives to guide the human being on the right path. He gave them his special powers, spirituality and highest rank among all the humans. He ordained human beings strictly in Holy Scriptures time to time to respect his special representatives. Muslims love and respect prophet Muhammadﷺ more than our lives. His honour and reverence is everything for us, So talking anything wrong, making mimicry of their characters and making any ill comments on their personality is unforgiveable sin and crime. Not only God has strictly prohibited this, but the world’s laws have also strict restrictions on the offence of chosen people of God. If anybody does so, he is harshly treated in according with the laws of his religion as well as laws of his country. Even in the time of our holy prophet people who were involved in blasphemy were given severe punishment on the orders of our holy prophet. The severity of matter can be gauged from the fact that though prophet, being very merciful, did not show any pity on the people in this context. One thing should be kept in mind the law of blasphemy should be made viable through government laws and procedures. Only the government should have authority to punish the culprit after proper investigation, Muslims bear each problems but they do not bear the insult of Prophet so if government became fail in giving punishment then certainly people will take their revenge and kill that person and this will be fault of government that government could not give justice to Muslims in entire world.