ENGLISH-8 Religious Minorities, their Status in Pakistan with Reference to the Teachings of Islam and Constitution of Pakistan


  • Dr Abdul Fareed Brohi International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr Zaheer-ud-Din Bahram Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan




Pakistan, Minorities, Rights, Islam, Constitution, Prophet, Quran


Pakistan is a diverse society with varied ethnicities and cultures, and is an enormously plural country characterized by religious, sectarian and ethno-linguistic diversities. It has an overwhelming Muslim population comprises more than ninety-six percent of its 220 million people. Islam is declared the state religion of Pakistan. There are religious minorities who identify themselves as non-Muslim Pakistanis. The constitution of Pakistan is a safeguard for the minorities which provides religious and social rights to the minorities. Generally the minorities of Pakistan are very faithful and patriotic to Pakistan. Since the creation of Pakistan, many non-Muslim citizens of Pakistan have been serving the nation and participating in the nation-building process.




How to Cite

Brohi, D. A. F. ., & Bahram, D. Z.- ud-D. . (2021). ENGLISH-8 Religious Minorities, their Status in Pakistan with Reference to the Teachings of Islam and Constitution of Pakistan . Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 5(2), 90-98. https://doi.org/10.53575/English8.v5.02(21).90-98