URDU-28 An Analysis of administrative Matters of the State of Madina in the light of the Teachings of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
First Islamic welfare state, Islamic administrative system, Welfare and reform in Islamic state, Islamic constitution, The rule of governs in Islamic StateAbstract
Man is a social being and inclined to live in societal setup. Passing through various evolutionary phases, the society reached its nadir, calling for a state that could efficiently provide peace, equality and concord as well as performing its citizenry’s mutual affairs effectively. In order to accomplish state’s political and administrative matters, much work was done for the constitution and administration of different state machinery. Since Islam is a complete set of rules, its objective is the wellbeing of humanity. It is a guiding principle for every human faculty. So a firmly established political system is necessary for the progress, welfare and reform of a nation as the Islamic political system is based on universal rules and principles. The purpose of an Islamic political system is to formulate a peaceful and just society, where all members of the society enjoy equal rights. The current article analyses the administrative matters of the first Islamic State of Madina. In the light of Islamic perspective, the necessity and significance of politics have been defined. The constitution and basic political rules of the state of Madina have also been delineated as per Quran and Sunnah. The state of Madina veritably enjoys the status for being the first Islamic welfare state. Further, it encompasses all the aspects of the state of Madina, including Hazrat Muammad’s (Peace be upon Him) principles and strategy which were adopted by him while performing the administrative matters of the state.