The Biographical Account and Intellectual Legacy of the Religious Scholars of Buggah: A Critical Assessment
علمائے بگہ کےاحوال و آثار(ایک تحقیقی جائزہ)
Religious Scholars, Bugwi Family, Madrasas, ninetieth and twentieth centuryAbstract
The religious scholars played a significant role in the formation of Muslim religious thoughts in Indo-Pak Sub-Continent. Modern scholarship focused on the services of religious scholars of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and other central cities of Sub-Continent. On the other hand, they did not pay proper attention on the services of religious scholars of remote areas in Punjab. The present research work is an endeavor to fill this gap. The famous Bugwi family of Bhera played a significant role in the transformation of knowledge in Punjab during the course of ninetieth and twentieth centuries. The Madrasas of this family were onsidered primary institutions for religious studies in Punjab. Bugwis were also very much helpful in establishment of Pakistan, Khilafat and Khatm- e-Nubuwwat Movements. This study aims to present the life and services of some Bugwi scholars and their contribution in the dissemination of knowledge to society during the course of ninetieth and twentieth century.