Limitations of Advertising in the Light of the Holy Quran and the Hadith
قرآن وحدیث کی روشنی میں اشتہار کی حدود
Quran, Hadith, Advertising, Ishtihar, Islam.Abstract
Advertising is a common thing in today’s world. Everyone, whether he/she is owner of a company or a consumer, needs to use advertising. The owners use it because they want to promote their goods, services or company to increase their income, whereas the consumers require information about the goods and services to fullfil their needs and desires if they are financially in their reach. Islam demands from its followers to spend their complete lives according to its teachings and it should be concerned when they find anything new. In this connection this study discusses shariah ruling of the advertising first. Afterwards it limitations are mentioned which say: The Advertising itself is permissible and some of its basic forms were present at the advent of Islam. But, in the light of Islamic directives, the current ways of advertising should be limitised in proper bonderies. These bonds and limits are stated in this study. The summary of the study is presented in the end.