URDU-5 The research analysis of the merits, methodology and bibliography of al-bidayah walnihaya li-ibne kathir
Al-Bida'at wa Al-Nahayat, Quran, Ibne Kathir, Features, HistoryAbstract
In this article, the features of Al-Bida'at wa Al-Nahayat witten by Ibne Kathir , its methodology and sources have been analyzed. The study of "Beginning and End" suggests that you wanted to compile Islamic history in the light of authentic hadiths. This is because the deep color of the hadith can be seen from the beginning to the end of his history in "Al-Bida'at wa Al-Nahayat". The collections of hadith which you have used in composing this book. They are mentioned below. The beginning and the end of Imam Ibn Katheer is the city of horizons and authoritative work which has been published many times in fourteen volumes from Cairo Beirut Dar Yar. Authentic history, reliable biography of the prophets, a collection of hadiths and relics and the source of the wise. The greatest and most important feature of this book is its authenticity. The author has made the source of the authentic sayings of the Qur'an and Sunnah and the scholars and the Moorkhin and has tried his best to avoid false traditions and Israeli superstitions and biased and unreliable sayings and he has been very successful in this. Another feature of it is its brevity and comprehensiveness. Unnecessary things are ignored but all the necessary and significant information is available.